Noclip [LUA] 1.4
-Fixed a lua error that would cause Controller Mode to not function
-Made it so the H key no longer toggles noclip unless the player is in Controller Mode. (D-Pad right and the H key share the same key values)
-Sorry guys, I've just been busy with life so I couldn't really update a whole lot. More updates will likely come in the future.
It's a little bit different than the .ASI noclip, but I plan to update the script with multiple different modes for noclip, configurable speeds, compatability with vehicles, and much more, so stay tuned.
Install Instructions:
1.Make sure you have the most up-to-date Luascript plugin for Scripthook
2. Download this file
3. Put the noclip v14 file in your steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\scripts\addins folder.
Beta controller controls:
Toggle Noclip: Right D-pad, only works when Controller Mode has been enabled with the N key.
Ascend: L1
Descend: R1
Adjust Speeds: J to add speed, K to remove speed, for now.
PC Controls:
Toggle Noclip: N, Hold N for about a second to toggle modes between Controller mode and M+Keyboard mode. In Controller Mode, H works as well.
Ascend: Left Shift
Descend: Left Control
Adjust Speeds: J to add speed, K to remove speed.
-Fixed a lua error that would cause Controller Mode to not function
-Made it so the H key no longer toggles noclip unless the player is in Controller Mode. (D-Pad right and the H key share the same key values)
-Sorry guys, I've just been busy with life so I couldn't really update a whole lot. More updates will likely come in the future.
It's a little bit different than the .ASI noclip, but I plan to update the script with multiple different modes for noclip, configurable speeds, compatability with vehicles, and much more, so stay tuned.
Install Instructions:
1.Make sure you have the most up-to-date Luascript plugin for Scripthook
2. Download this file
3. Put the noclip v14 file in your steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\scripts\addins folder.
Beta controller controls:
Toggle Noclip: Right D-pad, only works when Controller Mode has been enabled with the N key.
Ascend: L1
Descend: R1
Adjust Speeds: J to add speed, K to remove speed, for now.
PC Controls:
Toggle Noclip: N, Hold N for about a second to toggle modes between Controller mode and M+Keyboard mode. In Controller Mode, H works as well.
Ascend: Left Shift
Descend: Left Control
Adjust Speeds: J to add speed, K to remove speed.
Poprvé nahráno: 16. květen 2015
Poslední aktulizace: 04. červen 2015
Last Downloaded: 4 hours ago
103 Komentářů
-Fixed a lua error that would cause Controller Mode to not function
-Made it so the H key no longer toggles noclip unless the player is in Controller Mode. (D-Pad right and the H key share the same key values)
-Sorry guys, I've just been busy with life so I couldn't really update a whole lot. More updates will likely come in the future.
It's a little bit different than the .ASI noclip, but I plan to update the script with multiple different modes for noclip, configurable speeds, compatability with vehicles, and much more, so stay tuned.
Install Instructions:
1.Make sure you have the most up-to-date Luascript plugin for Scripthook
2. Download this file
3. Put the noclip v14 file in your steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\scripts\addins folder.
Beta controller controls:
Toggle Noclip: Right D-pad, only works when Controller Mode has been enabled with the N key.
Ascend: L1
Descend: R1
Adjust Speeds: J to add speed, K to remove speed, for now.
PC Controls:
Toggle Noclip: N, Hold N for about a second to toggle modes between Controller mode and M+Keyboard mode. In Controller Mode, H works as well.
Ascend: Left Shift
Descend: Left Control
Adjust Speeds: J to add speed, K to remove speed.
-Fixed a lua error that would cause Controller Mode to not function
-Made it so the H key no longer toggles noclip unless the player is in Controller Mode. (D-Pad right and the H key share the same key values)
-Sorry guys, I've just been busy with life so I couldn't really update a whole lot. More updates will likely come in the future.
It's a little bit different than the .ASI noclip, but I plan to update the script with multiple different modes for noclip, configurable speeds, compatability with vehicles, and much more, so stay tuned.
Install Instructions:
1.Make sure you have the most up-to-date Luascript plugin for Scripthook
2. Download this file
3. Put the noclip v14 file in your steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\scripts\addins folder.
Beta controller controls:
Toggle Noclip: Right D-pad, only works when Controller Mode has been enabled with the N key.
Ascend: L1
Descend: R1
Adjust Speeds: J to add speed, K to remove speed, for now.
PC Controls:
Toggle Noclip: N, Hold N for about a second to toggle modes between Controller mode and M+Keyboard mode. In Controller Mode, H works as well.
Ascend: Left Shift
Descend: Left Control
Adjust Speeds: J to add speed, K to remove speed.
Poprvé nahráno: 16. květen 2015
Poslední aktulizace: 04. červen 2015
Last Downloaded: 4 hours ago
Please Remove Key H , Because Key H Overlaps with Turn on light car
I Change key Turn on light car in-game but this Scripts still work follow Key Turn on light car in-game...
and update this scripts compatible with New version LUA , I Use LUA OLD Version work , New Version LUA not Work !!!!
@tuyetthan200 so it isnt compatible with the new one, and im new at this lua stuff so i dont know which is new and which is old
What does an msvcr120.DLL error mean?
Noclip v1.4 does not work at all for me, and i deleted the old version, is there any chance you could put all the versions together in the download, just incase something isnt working any of us?
I am also in the boat where the current LUA does not work on my system, not sure why it doesnt, but no matter how much i try to get it too wor, it just wont work. So i too must use an old LUA version, which is not helping i guess.
@Servulus Unfortunately I've deleted all the old versions of the mod on my computer. However, if you download the SDK version of the lua mod and report your lua errors, I could potentially fix it.
Unfortunately i am finding all of Headscripts LUA versions and the SDK's failing to work on my system, so of the old versions work and the older the versions are the better they worked. Currently running a v6.0 which kind of works, but hot keys now need to be held for longer for them to register, where with earlier versions it was a single press of a hot key to get them to work. This problem has been getting noticeably worse with each update Headscript does.
There is another LUA out there, it too has its issues. really a no win situation unfortunately.
@Vegasx I just found a link to your v1.0 on idgamer but downloading from there was fraught with problems, as they add their own exe to your files and force you to use all their own malware like it or not. Had to do a hard shutdown and now will spend the rest of the day trying to clean their stuff out of my system (and hell i stopped the install before choosing to install their gear, just got to select custom install and by then they had infected my pc) damn idgamer, they id gamers alright, by maliciously dumping their stuff into your system before you can disagree to their services.
is this real no clip going through buildings? ground etc? im looking for a no clip thats really no clip
N does nothing for me.
Very good work
It doesn't work
too bad that Descend is set to L1 on gamepad because L1 is a weapon wheel on gamepad and when you descending you have weapon wheel opened all the time and is slow motion =/
nice job!
Подскажите пожалуйста как установить этот мод? просто я не понял.
best noclip ive found
There is so many mods on this site that have really bad descriptions, and this is one of the worse, there is not word that describe what this mod do, good work ;)
This is not working anymore
@xxx78 Good catch lmao
I have an issue with it, I installed it properly, and I can activate the noclip, however, I can only move up or down, and cannot move around freely, forwards or backwards. can anyone help me please?