
PedRacer v1.5


Author's Note
I wanted something similar to the NoPixel RP racing to waypoint feature so I created this. If you have any feature requests or suggestions let me know in the comments.

Author: Rixeh

About PedRacer
This script will spawn 5 or 8 pedestrians vehicles around you with random modifications, count down and then race to your waypoint. As default it will charge you 1000 Dollar to buy into the race and rewards you with the prize pot if you win (6000 or 9000). This can be turned off in the .ini or now with NativeUI support.

Configurable Settings (.ini & NativeUI):
Activation Shortcut - Start Race (default: O)
Menu/Deactivation Shortcut - Open Menu & Cancel Current Race (default: NumPad1)
Invincible Pedestrians - Car's won't take damage when racing (default: true)
Use Money - Will take -1000 Dollar at the start of the race, winning gives you 6000 or 9000 Dollar (default: true)
Nubmer of Cars - Race againt 5 or 8 pedestrian cars. (default: 5)
Cars Stay Spawned - Cars will slow down and drive around for a while after the race, if off they disappear when the race ends. (default: true)
Random Cars - Will Spawn random cars when on. Off will copy your current vehicle. (default: true)
Random Car Class - Select from Sports, Super, Classic, Muscle & Motorcycles. (default: sports)
Custom Cars - You can set custom cars to race against, spawn specific cars or any addon models using their spawn name. If enabled custom cars overrides random cars if both are turned on. You can see a list of spawn names here: GTA Network Wiki - Vehicle Models (default: false, banshee)
Neons - Turn pedestrian car neons on/off. (default: true)
RaceEnd - Race End marker on display while racing. (default: true)
DriveAssist - (Beta) Makes pedestrians more likely avoid certain situations like flying off hills, spinning out, hitting walls and other cars. Currently in development, its far from perfect right now but it's a step in the right direction. You can turn it on and off if you don't like it. (default: true)
SpeedBoost - (Beta) Makes pedestrians drive faster, its early days with this too so expect some strange behaviour. It can be enabled/disabled in the settings. (default: true)
Debug - I use it while working on the above two features, I'm just exposing it for anyone who's curious how it works. (default: false)

Known Issues:
If cars stay spawned is turned on and you have traffic turned off, they will still disappear.

The pedestrians like to crash into other cars like no tomorrow so a traffic reduction mod or turning off traffic helps the races go more smoothly.

ZyDevs - DragRace Source - Although I pretty much entirely rewrote this for my purpose I had no knowledge of c# going into it so I learned using their project and picking it apart. Thank you for sharing ZyDevs! Their mod is available here: Drag Race

Requirements (Not Included)
Script Hook V
Community Script Hook V .NET (and dependancies)

Place PedRacer.dll & PedRacer.ini in your "Grand Theft Auto V\scripts\" directory

- Updated menu system.
- Added SpeedBoost for pedcars.
- Added Neon's option.
- Added Race End marker.
- Added Debugger.
- Added DriveAssist, this makes peds less likley to crash in certain situations.
- Added 5 or 8 ped cars racing as an option.
- Added random car class selection.
- Added cars spawn with random modifications.
- Cleaned up menu items.
- NativeUI menu for custom cars
- New race start + finish display
- Fixed Pedestrians randomly stopping on some roads.
- Added Custom Car Spawning from a list in PedRacer.ini using a car spawn name. (default: Banshee)
- Added current race position to pedestrian blip on minimap.
- Added your current position in the race to the top/middle of the screen.
- Added NativeUI Support - Menu/Deactivation Shortcut when no race is active to view.
- Added option Random Cars - Spawns random Sports cars when on, when off your current car is copied.
- Added option Cars Stay Spawned - Cars continue to drive around after the race is over.
- Fix pedestrians more likely to race to destination now.
- Removed pre-defined car colours.
- Fixed issue left in from development, only black ped car could win. Resolved.

Bug Reports
Please leave bug reports in the comments and I'll get back to you as soon as I get chance to look.
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Poprvé nahráno: 02. červen 2019
Poslední aktulizace: 19. srpen 2019
Last Downloaded: před jedním dnem

All Versions

 v1.5 (current)

5.275 stažení , 16,0 KB
18. srpen 2019


1.415 stažení , 21,0 KB
10. červen 2019

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