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  • Michael

    @kagikn Iong ago i tried something similar to "SET_ENTITY_HAS_GRAVITY()" but i seem to remember it doesn't work very well. This time i completely forgot to check this native, so thanks for those notes. 👌

    10. duben 2023
  • Michael
    Připnutý komentář

    Hi all, i know you are probably getting some script / game errors due to obsolete version of this mod. I don't have too much time to improve features / update script funcs at the moment. My current idea is to bring and expand this mod directly to C++ ScriptHook and try to increase wanted levels until 10 stars but for now, i can only thank you so much for tried my first released mod but unfortunately, game native funcs and "limits" can change for every update. This mod can be considered obsolete at the moment, i hope to have more time in the future to work again on it.

    Thanks to all

    14. prosinec 2022
  • Michael

    Hi all,

    sorry in case you experimented game crashes playing this mod but for now, this script is obsolete due to some changes in game native functions used in this mod. I'll update this mod as soon as i have free time but at the moment, this is OBSOLETE.


    30. prosinec 2021
  • Michael

    @cooldude2251 Do you have any other mods? If yes, which type (police mod, army mod, plane mod, etc..)?

    18. červenec 2021
  • Michael

    @Pigs5542onduty no i don't, i have only this with 6 stars ;)

    01. červenec 2021
  • Michael

    @TheFantasticLoi i know, this because RAGE manage cop peds in different types with different behaviours :/ in this period i'm quite busy and i'm not able to take time to update this mod finding new ways to make it more realistic. The more you know the native game features, the more you can get what you want and at the moment i have to find new ways to make player search more realistic (when i'll have free time) ;)

    01. červenec 2021
  • Michael

    @Killerman293 Thanks!, i know all of problems you mentioned and they depends by the general knowledge of game functions. We always try to improve as we discover new functions that make the mod more realistic :)

    20. květen 2021
  • Michael

    @Killerman293 you can use only the vehicles in xml list at the moment :/. I'll add new vehicles next update (related to emergency or arms).

    18. květen 2021
  • Michael

    @TheNoodle This because my mod doesn't use game dispatch.meta. It spawn all custom vehicles through scripts and toggle off some dispatch type (in 6 stars, police cars and noose suv are disabled). You have to disable my mod if you want the original vehicles from dispatch.meta.

    16. květen 2021
  • Michael

    @BSBola If you need another gameconfig file for other mods, you can edit only the lines my mod needs (in your gameconfig used for other mods):

    1) In your gameconfig file, search for "CEvent";

    2) Edit "PoolSize" node of CEvent with "4000";

    3) Under "CEvent", add another "Item":

    <PoolSize value="200"/>

    These are the nodes that my mod needs. The rest of gameconfig can be edited for other mods ;)

    08. březen 2021