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    Really great mod! This is exactly what I was thinking about getting and thank you for providing it :)
    One thing, I followed the instructions and all works well, however I would like to have the NPC police vehicles to be replaced with these, I noticed they are vehicle spawn only for us to use, is there anyway the actual police use these instead?

    18. leden 2023
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    @Corey650 What did you do to get it working?

    22. duben 2020
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    I have followed the instructions but the traffic is still the same

    21. duben 2020
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    @pongo1231 Got it working, I didn't realise I needed to move the files from within the bin folder instead of just putting the bin folder containing them into the GTA V directory. Perhaps update the instructions for people new to this like me as I was under the impression not to remove content files from folders as it states above "just drop everything ChaosMod.asi and the chaosmod folder itself (not the content!) in your GTA directory."

    You need to manually move the files (dinput8.dll, NativeTrainer.asi and ScripthookV.dll) from the bin folder to the GTA V directory. The "everything" as stated in the installation guide is just for the chaosmod folder (leave the contents inside it) and the ChaosMod.asi, not sure the readme or is required though.

    Thanks for everything :) Mod is really great!

    03. únor 2020
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    There is no log as you mentioned

    30. leden 2020
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    @pongo1231 I have downloaded Chaosmod and Scripthook

    Scripthook which is in a bin folder contains dinput8.dll, NativeTrainer.asi and ScriptHookV.dll
    There is also a readme folder and a Chrome link to

    Chaosmod has a folder and a .asi (ChaosMod.asi)
    Inside the ChaosMod folder there are these files;
    * CahosModVConfig
    * config
    * effects
    * twitch_integration
    * TwitchChatVotingProxy

    All I need is a proper step by step guide, the description of what to do is very vague which is leading to people like myself unable to get this mod working. I need to know exactly what files I need and exactly where to put them.

    30. leden 2020
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    I really do not get it I have done everything and still nothing is happening! Can somebody please help me out????

    29. leden 2020
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    Can someone help me get this mod working?

    22. prosinec 2019
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    @Green1996 Would this perhaps be the case as to why I haven't been able to get it to work?

    18. prosinec 2019