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  • Ron

    I think I managed to get it more stable (cleaned up my dlclist and packs). Been in this manhunt for about an hour and have noticed a couple things. How long are the manhunts? Can you adjust that somewhere? and then Theres been times I switched cars so they have my physical description but can spot me ducking in the car from like a couple hundred meters out. I think its a tad unrealistic especially after swapping cars (yes Im trying to change clothes but new police show up wherever I am instead of realistically searching the last known location).

    16 hours ago
  • Ron

    Thanks for your efforts on this mod, I tried RDE and it crashes too much too soon (I assume it tries to do too much). This one is much more stable. However, after a couple hours of play (with and without currently being wanted) theres a random crash and I can't seem to narrow it down as none of the logs are pointing to anything. Side note, i didnt notice any ambient pedestrian activities - i.e. police chasing other peds violating the law, gangs being gangs etc so not sure if thats working or not, the scenarios definitely appear to be working (saw the hwy patrol in their scenario spots).

    před jedním dnem
  • Ron

    Works pretty well and thanks for making this! A couple items I would like see changed (I know looks like this was last updated in 2016) but the logging either optional to turn on/off or overwrite the same file. Also the bit about your car spawning if the blip isnt available - maybe have a way to despawn and respawn. A few times I tried to spawn the car but it was on the other side of the map.

    před jedním dnem
  • Ron

    Nevermind, kind of got excited when asking chatgpt if adding the update folder as a dlc would be possible, it said yes, my research wound up being no. It'd be real cool to have a modular mod like that so if you wanted to unlist visual v and try something else itd be super easy. same for a lot of bigger mods.

    před jedním dnem
  • Ron

    Really appreciate what you guys are offering and sadly I can't invest. Too many crashes with the sirens or six star module among other things. This mod has a lot of cool features and would like to replicate some of them (really wish this was more modular) mostly interested in the LEO's reacting to other ingame peds or gangs reacting to each other similarly.

    před 2 dny
  • Ron

    If I understand correctly, instead of modding the update rpfs and the normal rpfs in the mod folder you can essentially just make dlc packs instead? If thats the case, could I take say DriveV and add it as a DLC and not muck with my og files and then disable it from the list if needing to check out another driving mod or troubleshoot??

    před 4 dny
  • Ron

    I guess no but looks nice! :P

    před 9 dny
  • Ron

    Does this mod fix the train barriers and fps bug (i.e. at 30 fps the barriers work as intended while anything higher makes them late or not work at all)?

    před 9 dny
  • Ron

    Unfortunately, I also found out open interiors is causing some random crashes as well - going to have to exclude the both of these for now. really liked some of the big phat cash rewards though!

    10. březen 2025
  • Ron

    Just to add some more details that might help. prior to all this I had played multiple repo missions etc and then I did one mission to rescue someone. It bugged out. eventually failed. Ever since then its been having issues.

    09. březen 2025