
[MEGAPACK] Custom Tracks for ARS


Getting bored of the same ol' racetracks Don't want to create more racetracks on your own or want to see what other people have come up with

Well, I've got a deal for you!

Autosport Racing System has sucked so many hours out of my life because it truly is a marvelous mod. But there's only so many times you can race around the same old track before it gets a little stale. So, I started building tracks and building more and more and... well, I created a whole lot of them.

I've tried my best to make a mix of sensible, competitive races and wacky, chaotic races. Some of these are inspired by Eddlm's tracks in Street Races, while others were formed originally.

Also, there's no other place to give credit to them, but the two stunt tracks placed in here (labelled "Turbine" and "Hotring Race - Figure Eight") would not be possible if it weren't for Menyoo by MAFINS ( and GTA Online Stunt Race Maps by Unknown Modder (

1. If you haven't already, download and install ARS and its requirements (and make sure that it works)

2. Unzip these files and go into your GTA V directory.

3. You should see a file called "scripts" in the directory. Go through "scripts/ARS/Tracks"

4. Place the Custom folder inside the directory.


Autosport Racing System by Eddlm along with all of its requirements

No Water / Tsunami / Atlantis Mod by Script Mods

NOTE: This only affects bodies of water within the scope of the San Andreas map (excluding some rivers), meaning all add-on maps that are out of bounds will still have water.

The reason you would want to add this in is because currently, even if you make the cars auto-repair, flooded engines won't get fixed and the cars will be unable to race (save for being teleported a few feet every 10 seconds)

FRENCH RIVIERA by ryanm2711

LAKE LOUISE by ryanm2711

No Boundary Limits by Unknown Modder

NOTE: If you're having trouble getting NBL to work, change Patch Explosives Boundary Limit to False in the .ini files (thanks to iammistahwolf for pointing this out in the comments of said file).


To test each of these tracks - I spectated a race with 30 different super cars and sports cars with auto-repair on.


Here's a rundown of each track:

About The Highway (Sensible): Sandy Shores -- It's the highway with the tunnel, you and other
racers will loop around that. Not a very long track, and a lot of cars can lead to pileups (although
they're pretty good at sorting themselves out).

Bridges on The Highway (Sensible): This one is very similar to the one above. The only difference is
that it uses the primary highway you'd use to get from Los Santos to Sandy Shores (or vice-versa).

City Bridges (Sensible): A short race around Los Santos involving the bridges in the center of the city. Nothing much to say about it, a fairly standard track for you standard racers out there.

City Ramparts (Slightly Sensible): This race has a few errors in it, unfortunately. The racers aren't very good at slowing down at certain sections (no matter how carefully I way point those areas) and tend to fly off some of the ramps as a result. However, it still can be raced sensibly, just don't rely on the AI to judge speed.

Construction Site (Slightly Sensible): The construction site in Sandy Shores makes for a perfect circuit. Depending on the vehicle, AI may struggles with some of the turns, but it's usually not bad.

Dirt Track By Prison (Slightly Sensible): That small little circuit near the prison. Due to how small it is, faster cars will tend to go off-track a lot more.

Docks Crossover (Slightly Wacky): Race around the docks (near the Merryweather ship) and try your best to avoid getting t-boned at the crossover points. There is a turn early on in the race that, for some reason, the AI will always take too late and crash into one of the construction equipment. I can't seem to fix it, but it doesn't detract TOO much from the racing experience. It is best to watch a couple races to understand how the track is laid out, as the way points can get very convoluted if you're not following an AI. It's recommended to have "auto-repair" or "repair cars when they get too damaged" turned on.

Down The Tracks (Slightly Sensible): A very short point-to-point race that goes down the tracks near the outskirts of Los Santos.

Downhill Chaos (Wacky): This is based on Failrace's Downhill Chaos Series (that has unfortunately discontinued). It is recommended to spectate this, as you're most likely to be pushed off through driver error or by the other racers crashing. Racers will absolutely fall off the mountain at almost every corner. This is not supposed to be a serious race, but it is fun to watch the chaos unfold. It's recommended to have "auto-repair" or "repair cars when they get too damaged" turned on.

Hotring Race - Figure Eights (Wacky): Was a single crossover too easy for you to process Do you want absolute and utter carnage after a single lap Well, this is the track for you! Be warned: some of the REALLY REALLY fast cars (such as the Krieger) will fall off at a lot of corners. Other than that, the racers function perfectly fine on this. To clarify where you're supposed to go: you go down the left path first and then you go down the right path - and that constitutes as 1 lap. A single lap is basically going around the track twice. It's recommended to have "auto-repair" or "repair cars when they get too damaged" turned on.

Jump The Train (Wacky): Drive around the Sandy Shores airport and use the makeshift ramp to jump over the railroad tracks. Cars will absolutely roll and crash on each other. It's recommended to have "auto-repair" or "repair cars when they get too damaged" turned on.

Offroad Hill (Sensible): A short circuit around the dirt paths of Sandy Shores. Nothing too fancy, just honest rally racing on some not-so-smooth dirt.

Round the Army Base (Slightly Sensible): The positioning of the cars is at a weird angle at the start, but everything else works fine. It's not a very long race due to the fact that, in my testing, the AI aren't very good at handling bridges without massive pileups.

Round Town (Sensible): A mixed race involving both the streets and the dirt path near Sandy Shores. A simple circuit that can allow you to test your racing ability and your car's straightline speed.

Shores Dirt Rally (Wacky): This isn't a very good track, to be honest. The AI will crash quite a lot and may even fall into the river if you're REALLY unlucky (it's extremely rare). But I also figured you guys might appreciate the chaos of it all - so I'll leave it here. It's recommended you spectate this race and have "auto-repair" or "repair cars when they get too damaged" turned on.

Shores Train Rally (Slightly Wacky): This race can be somewhat competitive, but the the things that make it crazy are some of the off road sections that give cars massive air and the fact that the railroad tracks are active and will spawn trains on occasion. It's recommended to have "auto-repair" or "repair cars when they get too damaged" turned on.

Turbine (Wacky): This is one of the few stunt tracks the AI can manage fairly competently. That said, it's still a pretty crazy track with windmills, rotating tunnels and large jumps. As long as you're careful, you can compete with the AI - although you'll be disadvantaged if you fall off the track. It's recommended to have "auto-repair" or "repair cars when they get too damaged" turned on.

Windmill Crossover (Slightly Wacky): Driving up the 'S' hill of the windmill farm and then riding straight down from the top. Watch out for the other racers though, otherwise you might get knocked off the track. Depending on how many racers, there may be a pileup at the very first corner of the track. It's recommended to have "auto-repair" or "repair cars when they get too damaged" turned on.

Down The Drain (Slightly Wacky): A point-to-point race involving going down the storm drain into the empty ocean.

Racing's A Beach (Slightly Sensible): Race along Vespucci Beach and along the adjacent highway. The road does get bumpy and you have to watch out for the street furniture (light poles, trash cans, etc), but it's still a fairly honest race.


Quick Note: This map wasn't designed for racing, so a lot of tracks aren't that great. You can still try them out if you're interested, but player beware. Also, you may need

FR - Airport Run (Wacky): This one was intended for Monster Trucks and other big wheeled vehicles. Regular cars do work on it, but there's a lot more crashing. Also, take the sign-jumps or you're a coward.

FR - Endurance Run (Slightly Sensible): Want a race that focuses specifically on speed, straight lines, and spacing Well, this is the perfect track for you! Enjoy a fairly long race that winds through one of the small towns and then goes on a highway where you can let your vehicle rip.

FR - Round The Omelet (Slightly Sensible): A short circuit around one of the few connected roads in the map. The faster cars will fly over the rails.

FR - Moist Mountain (Wacky): Hoo boy, I hope you've got your mountain climbing gear on. Narrow roads and sharp turns will force you to put pressure on your opponents and hope they make a mistake while you don't make one yourself. This race is designed for amphibious vehicles (like the APC) and it is recommended you use them for this race. Cars will fall in the water no matter how carefully I waypoint this, but if you want to keep all cars participating in the race, then use amphibious vehicles only. Currently, there isn't a way to remove water on custom maps because they're out of the non-modded playing area.

FR - The French Experience (Wacky): So, you think you've mastered every part of this map Put that knowledge to the test and race around the entire map! This race is designed for amphibious vehicles (like the APC) and it is recommended you use them for this race. Cars will fall in the water no matter how carefully I waypoint this, but if you want to keep all cars participating in the race, then use amphibious vehicles only. Currently, there isn't a way to remove water on custom maps because they're out of the non-modded playing area. Trucks and similarly WARNING: This race is fairly big so expect some slow-down if you don't have a high-end PC.


LL - The Lake Louise Experience (Slightly Sensible): Moist Mountain not enough for you Want to go up a mountain that's not only curvy and dangerous, but even the guard-railings are trying to murder you Want to spend nine minutes racing a single lap Well, The Lake Louise Experience has this and more! Cars will crash into some of the guard-railings and, due to how they were implemented in the map, they will collide with them like solid objects or glitch out. This is mostly prominent in the beginning and end sections of the race, but I wouldn't say it detracts too much from the overall racing. Trucks and other big vehicles will also get stuck on this map - so refrain from using them. WARNING: This race is HUGE, lower-end computers may experience severe slowdown. Load times may also take a long time.


Finally, please let me know of any bugs or major errors involving the tracks I made. I won't make any promises, but I may choose to update this pack with even more tracks and improvements of older tracks. I do plan on creating more sophisticated screenshots eventually.
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Poprvé nahráno: 10. březen 2020
Poslední aktulizace: 11. březen 2020
Last Downloaded: před 7 dny

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10. březen 2020

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