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@ikt Ah okay thanks! Well when i'm driving around 100kph it stays in the 2nd gear. Do you think I can change this behaviour by changing the car's handling?
@ikt I love your mod! I have just one question/suggestion. Can you try to make the automatic-mode adaptive like default in-game? So, when you drive slowly it shifts faster? I hope you know what I mean ;)
@GTAVLSPDFRandmore In de volgende update komen sowieso oranje richtingaanwijzers in de opbouw. Oranje/groen zit er niet op omdat de Otaris knipperleds aan de achterdeuren heeft. Omdat deze de functie van oranje verlichting in ELS gebruikt is er helaas geen mogelijkheid meer om oranje flitsers te plaatsen. Daarom hebben we gekozen om het belangrijkste (blauw) zo goed mogelijk na te maken.
@AntonKarel Bedankt voor het melden! Ga het updaten!
@glenndebreser Thanks!
@donbizkit Hi unfortunately it's not my own model. I just made the skin. The original owner of the model does not want give out the Astra unlocked. This means I can not make edits to the car itself. Sorry.
Dankjewel! @glenndebreser
@ikt Thanks it works! Thankyou for the great mod. I'm using 4.2.0 now :)
@ikt Is it possible to unbind keys from the controller? Can I leave them emty in the configuration file if I don't want to use a specific function?
@ikt First of all, this is a awesome mod! Thanks for all your time you spend on it. I have just one question/suggestion. I really like driving in the automatic mode. Maybe can you try to make the automatic transmission adaptive? So it will change the gear depending on the speed/input? That would be nice :)