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    Any plan to convert gta sa vehicles to gta 5 such as reefer,launch,coastguard,vortex.tropic(gta sa style),raindance,leviathan,seasparrow,rustler,beagle,nevada and at400.I only care about boats ,planes and helicopters as there's already lots of cars and bikes in gta 5.

    17. únor 2016
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    @normal guy Jump onto the helicopter you want to fly.When you stand on it,press enter key and you go into the heli not boat.Everytimes it work for me.

    12. únor 2016
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    @tall70 But when I get out of the boat ,I'm in water beside it just like when you get out of jet plane,so I need to swin back to backside of yacht and jump onto it and I can get in again.Sometimes I'm still in water swim too close to the front side of yacht and I can enter with this position.You still need to find better layout line to enter as real Yacht.It doesn't matter, it's already a great mod .

    11. únor 2016
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    @tall70 Very cool mod.Good handling.But I can drive only once when I spawn it with simple trainer as warp player into vehicle option .Then I get out of boat and can't drive the boat anymore.My player try to walk into driver-position and he circling around in the driver room.So I change the layout line in vehicles.meta as LAYOUT_PLANE_JUMBO and it's ok. Do you make gta 4 reefer to gta 5 .I think nobody want to creat boat mod in gta 5.

    11. únor 2016
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    I can't replace with stunt(Mallard) .The game crash at Menu-loading.I downloaded this mod 3 months ago.I installed it add-on and name it bf109,spawn with trainer, everything worked fine.Minigun work too.I have the oldest version which don't allow to inherit from heist update vehicles.Even can't change vehicles.meta or handling.meta in heist folder.Same error when installing UH-1D huey gunship mod replace with cargobob3 .Then replace with buzzard2 and it's ok.

    24. leden 2016
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    @emirh08 Hey how do you did the setting.xml.It's the best ever I've seen.I used your high inside normal folder.But after used last resort ,the graphic go terrible wrong plus without sweetfx my game seem more beautiful.It's ok without sweetfx? The photos upload here are really cool graphic which sweetfx they used or which setting?

    31. říjen 2015
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    Hey When I use your Setting.xml .In game there is 0 graphic memory usage ,mine is getforce 820 2Gb VRam.Before your mod I can't used to very high texture and now nearly everything can do to very high.And no lag in fast driving issue too.Thanks guy

    30. říjen 2015
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    Well I replace Lazer with F-22,Hydra with F-35B ,Besra with A-10A ,Vestra with F-14D .And with besra to warthog vehicles file and handling file I convert vestra to Tomcat .All 4 jets can shoot guns and missile . I can enjoy different jet dogfight now.Thanks SkylineGTRFreak

    15. říjen 2015
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    So it's the time for someone to release Air Combat V like Air Combat IV for gta 4 , now for gta 5. So we can replace planes or cars whatever we want with cannon,missile and bombs and flare out.Then heli combats,tanks combats mod and then even ship combats with destroyers ,cruisers,frigates and patrol ships .Wow I just dream.

    08. říjen 2015
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    What happen if I replace the vestra with your F-14D Tomcat ,the game will crash ? Original vesra have two seats ,I want player spawn a bodyguard to follow him in co-pilot seat.

    08. říjen 2015